How it Began

I first fell in love with photography as a child when my grandma started letting me use her polaroid camera. I loved the heavy click and reeling sounds as it spit out the film. It felt like magic watching the picture slowly develop into a clear and colorful photograph.

Since then, I have grown a lot in my knowledge and skill in photography. Mostly learning everything through much trial and error,  from a young age I was determined to one day be a professional photographer.

Everyday I feel grateful for the people and opportunities that have crossed my path to bring me to where I am today. I am extremely blessed to have a job that I am passionate and I get to work with amazing people from around the world.

Questions I'm often Asked

How long have you been a professional photographer? About 13ish years.

Did you study photography in college?  Actually, No, I didn’t. You may be surprised to hear that I studied be a Physical Therapy Assistant. I worked in the PT field for many years before I left to focus on my family and photography business.

I believe that my knowledge from my degree has helped me with my dance photography because I understand movement of the body and how muscle groups work together.

What camera to you use?  I shoot with the Sony a7 4. I also have a Nikon D500 as a backup camera.

Do you shoot other types of photography?  Before working with dancers I did family photography for a long time. If you are interested in seeing family photography work or are interested in hiring for a family photo shoot. Click on the link below.

Family Photography Page
5 Reasons You should hire a Professional Photographer

Goals & Beliefs

Goals I am working towards:

  1. Start working for top dance brands & dance companies.
  2. Have my own beautiful & bright studio in the next 5 years.
  3. Have posters/ads with my photos featured on them.

One thing I believe to be true:

  1. Everyone deserves to be loved and have beautiful pictures.